
Will you come?

$75.00 (Number of $75 PLAP 9/8/22 Tickets)
Number of individual PLAP Tickets
The wait is over for the 4th annual "Party Like a Patriot"... and we mean PARTY. This ROCKIN' event is our largest fundraiser of the year.  Join our Rock Star, Zach Nunn, as we plan to ROCK YOU OUT for the November 8th RED WAVE. Tickets and details are on sale now.  Proceeds go towards "Get out the Vote" efforts.
This is the big GOP social event with friends and fellow Republicans as we head toward the November election.
Dinner by Chick-fil-a. Music by Tim Bryan and ASE DJ/Drummer.

The date is Thursday, September 8th at the Country Lane Lodge, 29300 Prospect Cir. near Adel.  Doors open at 5:30 pm for the dinner/main event/PARTY 

Event and group table sponsorships are also available.  Contact Shelly Hughes [email protected] or 515-556-9928


Official Event
September 08, 2022 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Country Lane Lodge, Adel
29300 Prospect Cir
Adel, IA 50003
United States
Google map and directions
Kelley Koch · · 515-707-7332

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